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您只需 5 分钟就能完成 28 道多项选择题…

1.1 描述您的企业性质
1.2 描述您的商业模式:
1.3 您的公司状态?
1.4 你的融资类型是什么?
1.5 贵公司是否拥有任何知识产权(专利、商标……)或特殊奖状
1.6 贵公司实际上经营了多少年?(非创立年份)
1.7 目标市场或市场可延申的广度
1.8 您的企业总部(HQ)设立在哪里?
1.9 企业组织主要干部人数

2.0  财务背景

2.1 过去 5 年,您的企业实收收入是否保持持续性增长?
2.2 企业的毛利率是否持续稳定或增长?
2.3 企业净利润率范围是多少?
2.4 您企业的负债比率为?
2.5 您的企业是否拥有正现金流 (sufficient cashflow)?
3.1 贵公司在此之前是否对外融资过任何资金?
3.2 您的产品/服务是否与现有市场上所提供的有所不同?
3.3 您企业所在的行业的竞争力如何?
3.4 当地或该区域同行业的公司多寡?
3.5 描述您的企业壁垒
4.1 高层管理是否组织和角色划分明确?
4.2 您的企业是否有相关专业顾问团?如:财务顾问、企业顾问、税务顾问等企业发展相关专业顾问...
4.3 企业的高层管理人员大部分有受过相关高等教育或专业资格吗?
4.4 企业管理层在这个行业有多少年的经验?
4.5 管理高层是否主要由家庭成员组成?
5.1 您的企业估值是否合理?(以能够开放协商的前提下)
5.2 这次融资的主要目的是什么?
5.3 对比于您的企业估值,这笔资金筹集的金额有多大?
5.4 您是否为投资者设计了有吸引力的退出计划 / 投资回报率?

Wezmart refers to one or more of Wezmart International Berhad (“WIB”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the “Wezmart organization”). WIB (also referred to as “Wezmart Consulting”) and each of its member firms and related entities are legally separate and independent entities, which cannot obligate or bind each other in respect of third parties. WIB and each WIB member firm and related entity is liable only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of each other. WIB does not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more. Wezmart is a risk and compliance solutions provider and related services. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should consult a qualified professional adviser. No representations, warranties or undertakings (express or implied) are given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this communication, and none of WIB, its member firms, related entities, employees or agents shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising directly or indirectly in connection with any person relying on this communication.

© 2022. For information, contact Wezmart Consulting.

1.0  企业背景

3.0  行业表现

4.0  管理层背景

5.0  项目出场机制

6.0  上载最新财务报告和未来商业计划

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